Would planting venus fly traps around my plot to keep off bugs be the dumbest idea


Well-Known Member
I plan on getting me a collection of venus fly traps.. I plan on having a colony of them in a huge 10gal airpot.. not for the main reason of killing the gnats.

but for me to feed them everyday, I shall name the insects after the trolls here on RIU.. they shall slowly suffer while being eaten alive.

Might just try some supersoil.. .never know what will happen.


Active Member
Probably not the dumbest... but not far behind. I had some venus flytraps on my windowsill at one point. They do really eat flys,but not very many.


New Member
hey any body know a website to get some good seeds and what seed should i get they will be mixed in with my other plants but i have been wanting to grow other things where do you get venus flytrap seeds? i wanna use the same soil i grow my other plants in i tried a banana tree once and an aloe Vera but they are way to big for my setup now. right now i have a unidentifiable vine that grew out of roots organic soil it was so small it looked like a plantlet from a tissue culture but now its over flowing its 4x4 pot and i put it in flower a couple days ago to see what will happen.