World Trade Center Bldg 3

Martin Timothy

Well-Known Member

WTC 3 in happier days.

Bill Biggert's shot of wreckage from the disintegrating South Tower tumbling onto WTC 3.

Biggart's next shot after the collapse of the South Tower, shows the tremendous damage the building sustained during the collapse of that structure.

After the North Tower collapse only part of the bottom three stories of WTC3 remained, the lobby stayed intact with pictures still hanging on the wall.. where did the upper 19 floors go!

According to the official story, the massive weight of WTC2 debris pushing down onto WTC3, causing the collapse of the top nineteen floors.
Bill Biggert was killed during the collapse of the North Tower.


Well-Known Member
This building withstood the force of another 110 story building collapsing on it? Still 19 floors escaped harm? We are supposed to believe that could happen, yet the Twin towers themselves could not hold their own weight up?