Will TGA seeds finish on the east coast outdoors?


Well-Known Member
I'm really interested in growing some TGA genetics for my next outdoor grow, next spring. Do you think TGA - cheesequake, or any other potent TGA variety would finish in time on the East Coast. I know a lot of them say flowering time 7-8 weeks, and they are hybrids, mostly sativa. The reason I'm skeptical is because this year i grew a strain called Early girl, 85% indica and that's not even flowering yet.


Well-Known Member
I would think that on the east coast, and by east coast for some reason i'm thinking boston area...that you're still getting about 13-14 hours of daylight. it is just the beginning of flowering season. are your plants not showing ANY signs of flowering?


Well-Known Member
Most of TGA strains will finnish in 7 to 8 weeks roughly.I think the Cheesequake however takes about 9 weeks to finish.I would look into running Vortex,Jillybean,A.O. for examples.



Well-Known Member
I'd say most of the Space Queen crosses would have phenos that finished early outdoors. I'd prob do a selection indoors in the winter if you can.


Active Member
TGA finishes fine outdoors in Massachusetts. I finish plushberry, querkle, agent orange, and qleaner by the 2nd or 3rd week of October. Qleaner and agent orange take a week or two longer than the querkle and plushberry.


Well-Known Member
great answers! just what i wanted to hear, i think ill go with the TGA - Querkle for my next years grow. Im right near Mass, so that sounds good to me. My current are showing sex but the flowers have not gone into full bloom yet.


Active Member
Got Space Queen, Jilly Bean, and Cheese Quake outside in West Virginia and they are all flowering now. Been showing female signs for almost 2 weeks. Trichs are starting to develop already and the smell is heavenly!


PS I thought I had the bug bad but youre already planning for next spring! lol jk never too early to get a jump on research!