Will I Get Some Yield?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if im growing outdoors, would my plant fully bud before Winter? I'm in Southern California, San Bernardino.



Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's doesn't generally freeze down that far south, does it? Should have some fine buds with so few frost warnings.
Obviously you'd wanna cover it IF ya'll get some unseasonable weather.


Well-Known Member
you bro, im repin Redlands. for sure your shit will be legit before winter. worse case scenario, force flower once about 10" or taller. good luck


Well-Known Member
Yay ^_^ that's a good thing to hear...

Well it rained for once the other day, and it was weird, because it was sunny outside and all the sudden it just rained hard and I herd thunder.. I thought my plant drowned.. But it seems to be doing fine.


Active Member
oh my not rain! don't you know plants die when they are out in the RAIN!? haha jk I wish it would rain up here in Nor Cal, it would take away from my daily work routine haha


Well-Known Member
I love it when people get scared of rain. Its like they don't realize that this plant grew wild all over the world before being cultivated like this. Mother Nature sure has been doing a fine job for a few 1000 years lol.