

Well-Known Member
Why is shamanism totally disbanded in this country? I can understand why because of the money thing, that being completely irrational.
Yet, when I talk to anyone.. Having to do with mental disorders, they explain all these irrational things. And all these medications that they've tried and blah blah aspergers.. Bi-polar disorder.. Whatever. None of it worked. The problem, mainly, honestly being, that they are a person. And these medications make them a zombie. Or not themselves.. Whatever. So how do you fix something like that.

The obvious answer to me is ayahuasca. Yet, explaining that to someone is down right impossible. Not to mention how impossible it is to pharmaceutical companies. Because of obvious reasons.

Ugh.. Personal stuff going on.
But I don't understand why? Why not endorse something like ayahuasca? If you've done it then you understand already. There's no reason to try to explain..


Well-Known Member
Cubensis also. Many members have stated the benefit of ingesting a gram of cubensis (shrooms aka booms) once every month to alleviate the distress caused by debilitating cluster headhaches. As opposed to taking body/mind altering drugs that cost big $. Also the time spent in the emergency room if you can't stand the pain.