White Widow, with pics Must see. in flowering


Well-Known Member
No way to hide or move plants elsewhere?

If not....I'd wait until the last day or two before inspection and chop......But you'll have to find someplace to dry them as well.

I'd look to move them before chopping....You look more than a couple weeks away.


Well-Known Member
she's comming in about 4 weeks... will that be enough time for the plant to be ready for harvest?


Well-Known Member
I would say that you have at a bar minimum 4 weeks. If you can't put them anywhere else or hide then when your landlord is there, it doesn't really matter then if they'll be ready or not, you'll still have to chop them down.

I would suggest finding something you can do with them for when she is there, take it all down and store it the trunk of a car, friends house, basement. If not chop her down, you'll still get blitzed, may just be more of a head high then couch lock.

They do looking fuking great though dude! BigUps to you on that note! It's a shame they might have to come down early. If they do, make sure you post up pics when you're harvesting.

Good Luck.

Oh, remember to give yourself a couple of days to air out the house.


Active Member
Or, you could tell the landlord that you have the flu and ask if she could wait another week or two before coming to inspect. (might work)


Well-Known Member
You still need a good 4 - 6 weeks left. Look at my journal and compare mines to yours. I am chopping them at the start of week 9.