White Russian Harvest


Active Member
Hello, I have some Joey Weed White Russian's that are in their 64th day of flowering. I added some new lights 4 weeks ago (realized I did not have enough lumens for the grow area) and only had 1 real issue, when the stem bent (slightly frayed but didn't break) halfway up my plant 5 weeks ago. Since then everything has been coming along wonderfully.

The plants are in a Grow Lab under 26W CFL's. I am wondering if when the stem bent it took some time to regenerate and will add some extra days onto the flowering period? Every projection I see for this strain says 8 weeks and it looks ready, but there has been a recent uptick in growth and new pistilles. When I look under my 60/100x magnifier all the trichomes appear mostly cloudy (still some clear, few amber) but I want the 'knock you on your ass' high.

Should I continue to wait or do you think it is ready to harvest now? This is my first grow, I was all set to pick but this recent change has given me pause. I understand how the trichomes develop (thank you rollitup!), I just don't want to pick it too early. Any advice?



Well-Known Member
I am on my second harvest growing White Russian. You say you want the couchlock affect...right? My advice to you is go another week or so and you won't regret it. I harvested my Russian's at 75days...It was by far the most potent smoke I have smoked in my life...... Believe me my friend!


they still have at least 2 weeks dont pick mature it looks like the light wasnt strong enough theyre missing light spectrum


Active Member
Thanks Lowkster, I am going to do as you say ... 75 days is July 4th, seems like a fitting day. I was looking at them today and thought they did need some more time, the confirmation is very settling. I did snip off a bud today just to get the feel of 8 weeks time but want to wait to get it sticky icky. Going to be tough to wait but that isn't anything new. Any ideas as to what kind of yield I am looking at? If you look at the 4th pic you can see the upper half of one (with the other in the background) and the buds below are nice but nothing more than a few grams after drying (guess). I have 2 WR's in the lab.

As you can see in the pic I have 14 26W CFL's that surround the plants. Not the ideal light situation, but it has developed as I went along. The reflectors in the lab really help too. CFL's have worked very well so far.