Which "White Widow"?


Well-Known Member
Ive been searching for a "White widow" strain on Pick n Mix seeds, but its so frustrating choosing from all those breeders aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarg!

So I ask you which breeders White widow do you prefer & recommend?

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Im going to try The Dutchmans WW! It seems to be the more narcotic of the group according to the discriptions. Plus I have The Dutchmans G-Force already and its one of my favorite strains. Very strong. Good for eating and sleeping diorders. It doesnt make you sleepy but if you get too comfortable you will be out! Good luck with you pick!


Well-Known Member
Mr. Nice Black Widow has the real seeds.
420-seeds.com - White Widow MAX
INDOOR / OUTDOOR Indoor / can be grown

TYPE Indica / Sativa mix
THC very high, ~20%

PLANT HEIGHT short-medium


HARVEST Month 8/9

YIELD Up to 550g m2


White Widow Max is an improved version of White Widow. White Widow Max cannabis seeds are of exceptional quality and will yield more as well as producing more consistent plants than White Widow original. White Widow Max produces large crystalline buds and grows well indoor or hydroponically. Comes highly recommended. Truly premium marijuana seeds.

This is mine at day 27 in flower


Well-Known Member
I've got cherry pez widow from bcseedking, that is my fav' smelling thing in the world! I just cut one today for the 4th. it won't be cured, but I will! it still taste fantastic even without a cure... when it is cured however....it's indescribably good! sure it's a knockoff...but I wouldn't trade her for any other widow I've had.