When Does Cultivation Become Federal?


Active Member
I live in the US. My state has laws and sentencing guidelines that go from less than 10 plants to over 1000 live plants.

So my question is at what point would a case be brought to federal courts?


Well-Known Member
5 plants is what i hear....
5 plants up = 11 1/2 years here.
an they can posicute you federaly.
But Im not an attorney......


Well-Known Member
heh, the state where I live... having seeds isn't illegal. But! as soon as you germinate them.. and they have a tap-root... that's considered a "living plant" and then it becomes a misdemeanor.

Anything over an ounce here.. is a felony. Anything under an ounce.. is a slap on the hands. They kinda decriminalized anything under an ounce.. which is cool. I didn't think they would ever do that.. but they finally did about a year ago.

Eventually.. I'm hoping my state will have the same laws as California. One can only hope!



Active Member
Check it out, here is what my state says - straight form their website.

Marijuana (‹ 1 lb. or ‹ 10 live plants) / Felony / 3 / 2
Marijuana (1 lb. to ‹ 10 lbs. or 10 to ‹ 21 live plants) / Felony / 5 / 2
Marijuana (10 lbs. to ‹ 50 lbs. or 21 to ‹ 51 live plants) / Felony / 7 / 2
Marijuana (50 lbs. to 1,000 lbs. or 51 to 5,000 live plants) / Felony / 8 / 2
Marijuana (› 1,000 lbs. or › 5,000 live plants) / Felony / 10 / 3

My favorite is the 50 lbs to 1000 lbs - what a jump, well I am growing 50 plants so I might as well make it 5000. It doesnt make any sense why my state would have these statutes if it were a federal crime. there has to be something that majically makes it federal like crossing state lines does with other crimes.