When does a clone root?


Well-Known Member
So I've had a clone in a soil cup for about 6 days now.

How will I know when roots a growing? It's sprouting out new leaves from a new node that's strating up. does this mean roots are coming soon?

When should I move the plant to a my bigger 3 gal pot?


Well-Known Member
i usually root mine in rapid rooter plugs or rockwool and they take root anywhere between 5 and 15 days with my average around 8 days.
and no just because its growing new leaves does not mean its rooted.
if you folliar feed. ie: mist the plant with a sprayer it can stay alive and grow new growth for a month or more with none or very little in the way of roots.
but if you only feed via the soil and its growing i would say its probably rooted


Well-Known Member
I've been spraying the plant as well as on the inside wall of the 3 liter bottle to keep some humidity(it circulates out easily).

But ok, I didn't realize it can take that long for roots to start. I'll just feed the soil and see if that starts to help.

I feel like the cup its in isn't the best place for it. but I dont wanna move it too soon.


Well-Known Member
if you just water near the base of the plant with about 5 drops of water or so a day...then your clone will be encouraged to grow her roots A LOT faster then if you soak the pot...it really works


Well-Known Member
ya most of mine took like 10days they were afgan/mazars. it pretty neat how it does that huh clips and grow a "new plant". i believe it also bepends on the strain some clone easy while others dont.


Well-Known Member
if you just water near the base of the plant with about 5 drops of water or so a day...then your clone will be encouraged to grow her roots A LOT faster then if you soak the pot...it really works
Oh wow. I had no idea about that technique. I'll have to give it a try.