whats wrong with this site

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Well-Known Member
ok losers. you can finaly close my account here, i dont want anything to do with childish bull shit in here anymore from the forum nazti
dont know who you think you are telling us we cant post ads or info from any site but skunk skool.
i didnt listen to my parents telling me that kinda shit so im sure not going to listen to someone with a 3 for an iq.
accuse him of steeling your garbage seeds. maybe it wasnt the seeds maybe it was the grower or so called breeder.
once we found the source of the poblem over there we quickly got rid of her.
go chase flora at her own site now. i can pretty much gaurantee she is the one that ripped your ass buddy so leave skunky alone....wow, move on and grow up.

delete my account and if you want all the usefull info i tried to help your beginers out with to......fdd what a loser bubba
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