Whats the point in Decarboxylation?

stoned cockatoo

New Member
When cooking butter?

I read decarboxylation happens at 222f and that the thc bonds to fat molecules at 325 f

So won't the decarboxylation take place while the butter is cooking ?

Or does the temp need to stay around 222f for a period of time for this to happen?


Well-Known Member
IF making butter.. it is not really 100% needed... WHY?
Decarbing happens when the thca convert to thc.
This can happen a few ways
1. baking it carefully at 225 for xxxx mins
2. allowing the weed to decarb on it's own.. (generally takes MUCH longer then baking which is why baking it is preferred YET not 100% needed.
The buds will naturally dry fully on their own and if you have ever had the stuff you attempt to roll and it just falls into dust.. (thats decarbed or poorly dried herb)

There are electron Microscope images on the net explaining the true benefits and what % decarbing boosts cbn-cbd-thca to thc

Here is another simple easy reason to decarb it..
TASTE....... Non cooked will taste kinda green
Cooked stuff has a nutty flavor and mixes good with Peanut butter (also... trying to eat a piece of bud that aint cooked maybe a bit harder to chew+swallow and digest! )

What bonds thc to (bonding agents like Alcohol-oils-fats etc?

You can heat it and this makes for faster bonding.
Time over time the thc will bind to the agents given the time and storage conditions are right (usually 30 days in dark place) no substantial heat..