whats the best way to make oil


Well-Known Member
hi my friends wants to make oil he has 2lbs of leaf/trimmings. whats the best way ? he uses honey bee extractor with butane . any thoughts?


b.h.o. 2 lbs of trim is a lot to force threw a fucking pvc pipe. this may be more dangerous and take longer but i would just gring up the trim put it in a bucket and fill with the same amout of bhutane and let it chill for a few min. then strain the leaf and slowly with like a bigger bucket or tote evap. the bhutane with warm water in a well ventilated place. it will take some time but i think butane eveaporates like 6 times or some shit faster then water. anybody got any better ideas?


Well-Known Member
i would use isopropyll. 99% its kind of dangerous but if you can cook it just by letting it evaporate in the sun you shouldn't have any problem with blowing it up...but if you want to speed things up you could cook it on a stove, just make sure u do it on an element stove cause you can't have any open flame for obvious reasons