What Yall Think (pics) + rep


Well-Known Member
Alright so heres the deal i have about a month old SS Thai plant it looks good and all but i have notice a few leaves lookin like a V shape but the rest of the plant looks good new growth is fine too maybe jus worried maybe yall can help

My setup

400 watt hps cooltube

using FF OF soil and for nutes some bat guano tea only feed once so far
Temp and Humidty are okay 77 degrees and 48%

1st pic: of bottom leaf look fine

2nd pic: V shape Leaf

3rd pic: new growth (of course



Well-Known Member
they look good. maybe some mg deficiency. V shape they call it preying to the mg gods :D


Well-Known Member
thanks man ima have to feed it tomorrow got some fresh smellying tea jus goin to add some magical to see if that help with mg def