What To Do With My Plants?


Active Member
Hi... I'm Ashley! I would really appreciate some tips on what to do with some marijuana I have been growing....

I have five plants that are about a foot tall growing in my bedroom. As yet I have no idea whether they are male or female plants. They all smell faintly like weed. This is my first time growing. I have just grown them in buckets, using the sun (my room has huge windows and gets a lot of sun). The huge windows have become a problem though as my flatmate is now paranoid that the neighbours are going to see & ring the police or something.

I'm less worried, but to keep him happy I told him I'd get rid of them.

What should I do with them? Will they have any THC in them? If they do, I would like to turn them into cannabutter but I have no idea how to do that.

So my main questions are .....

Is there going to be any point in cooking up these plants to cannabutter?

Which parts of the plants do I use? The whole thing? Stalks and all?

Should I put the entire plant in a blender chop it all up and then cook that in butter, or do I need to dry it first?

I'm very new to this, so sorry if the questions are a bit "duh!" but I'd really appreciate any ideas

Thanks in advance!
