What sex?


Well-Known Member
It's another day, and I think she's showing her sex, but I'm not 100%. I can see a hair coming out of a single bud(last pic). So, I'm hoping she's a she, if you know what I mean. anyways, I took couple of pics this mourning. And actually I wanted to top her today, would that be ok even if she's starting to show sex? Please help, somebody. Well heres the pics, these pics I took suck though.


Active Member
The middle 2 look as thoug they are male. The last one looks maybe female. If you had a macro shot of those pre-flowers we could assess it better.


Well-Known Member
hey take your camera and place a magnifying lens in front of the camera lenss, NO JOKE it takes great in focus macro shots that what i use every time, i get better pictures then people who have 400$ digital camera (mine was 50 bucks) but sorry the last two pics look male.


Well-Known Member
you guys are good. i see a over watered plant that is showing no signs of sex as of yet. what light schedule are you in?


Well-Known Member
thank for all the replies, I got better pictures showing the pistol with a hair coming out of it. I think its a female, or am I wrong.


It's actually undernurished. I jut watered it with some Big Grow, and she perked right up. and my light sched. is 20/4.

here's some pictures


Well-Known Member
can't tell for sure from those pics man, but on pic 1 and 2 i thing there is a pistils. and only one correction - WHITE HAIR = PISTIL , not pistol :D . best of luck! Cheers!!! Peace!!! Cheetah