what now...?


Well-Known Member
So i made cannabutter... just ate canna toast w/ equiv of .5g and its been about 30-40 min... nothing yet but I realize its up to 1.5 hrs...

But what else can I make other than cookies etc? I only made a stick's equiv and now have less than a stick (made w/ an eigth of dispensary medical so hopefuly its powerful enough?)


Active Member
anything with vegitable oil in the directions, all your doing is replacing the oil with cana butter... so you can make brownies, cake, muffins.. ummm, im no wolfgang but thats what i would want to eat... i made some brownies a week ago out of 2 o's.... made the mistake of eating 5 the first batch, plus licking the bowl.. now im kinda scared of them to be honest i was more fucked than high


Well-Known Member
Ahahaah spasticsmoke thats funny stuff, well its been abotu 1.5 hrs since i ate the butter and i still dont feel anything at all - i did it low simmer un-covered for about an hour and 45 min w/ 3 cups of water, someone please confirm thats not terribly wrong LOL


Well-Known Member
Have some more . . . worse case scenario, you don't feel real good and need to sleep.
If ya feel like you have after a huge Thanksgiving dinner, then that's too much.

Have some buttered noodles.


Well-Known Member
basic sponge pudding mixture:

1/2 lb butter
1/2 lb sugar
1/2lb SR Flour
1/2lb eggs.
4oz golden syrup (optional but yummy)

whisk eggs and sugar till they have doubled in volume, add softened butter, flour and syrup and whisk till smooth. Place in a greased cake tin (or anything you have really)
Bake for 45 mins in an oven set at 160, test its cooked by putting a knife in the middle, if it comes out clean its cooked.