what else to add to my soil?

im growing 9 clones outdoors this year way up in the bush, there fore i had to dig a huge square big enough to fit 9 plants, and about almost a foot and a half down because the soil there had big rocks in it and wasn't very fertile was mostly sandy by the looks of it. so i have to replace all this soil. so i added some vermilcute and it fixed the drainage problem.

then i added a lot of dark, fertile top soil i dug up around the forest. this top soil is probably somewhat acidy and full of organic matter. then i added a couple bags of organic compost and manure, and a big bag of peat moss with ashes, and some bone meal mixed in (not much). i have 6 more inches of soil to add and i will just add 3 parts dark forest topsoil, and 3 bags of organic compost/manure. i also added some decaying grass clippings from last year and mixed it with the soil and ill put some around the plants when i get them to keep the weed away and to save moisture.

what else can i add to my soil to add nutrients or that generally will just be good to the plant? thanks..


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you have the NPK covered with compost manure and bonemeal.

Besides my Organic Premix I use a product called Greed Sand to add trace elements.

And a bit of powdered dolomite lime and epsom salt, both of these for Mag

The lime helps balance my Acid Soil PH.