Watcha think? is it time..? Pics


Well-Known Member
Hello all...been here for many years,just reading and such...:) i have a question for you all...why on earth is 1 plant so much smaller than the other plant,?the smallier of the 2 plants was acually grow 1st by 5 days..Is it just the strain in the seed? it has 2 be i keep telling my-self...Also..i have a 1000W HP light,and i was wondering if its a good time to turn it on and forget the CFL's?..On my 1000w HP it says to only use a 1000w HP bulb can i use a smaller HP bulb,like a 400W and be fine? Thx all..:)



Well-Known Member
Unless your growing clones all plants are different even if they are seeds from the same plant, hence phenotypes. And dont use a 400w hps bulb with a 1000w ballast, thats begging for an explosion and a fire. I personaly wouldnt turn the hps on until flowering to save some cashola


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks on the plant growth thing..i'm asking about the 1000W HP setup,becuse my bussy just gave it too me and he didnt know much about it either,besides it was expensive he said, lol..He also said its a "blooming" 1000W HP bulb,so i need this 1
AgroMax 1,000 watt Metal Halide 6500K Ultra Blue Daylight Spectrum Bulb

for the growth 1st?


Well-Known Member
wait, what do you currently have? if you have a 1000w Hps ballast that has a socket and everything you need a 1000w HPS Bulb, NOT a medal halide bulb. If you want to use medal halide bulbs with an hps ballast you need a conversion bulb. Medal halide is better for vegetative growth and HPS is best for flowering although you can use both kinda of bulbs the whole way with good results.


Well-Known Member
in your pic if you read the specs its a 1000w mh not a hps, only use 1000w mh bulbs with that set up and you should use that for veg but you can flower with it.