Wacky Tobacco


Well-Known Member
You can sell it if you want .... haha but you have to pay huge taxes to the government that giant tobacco lobbied for. Just high enough to shut out new business but low enough it wont effect them.


Well-Known Member
I've been doing some reading and it doesn't seem very difficult at all to dry and cure. I'm growing some for sure next season.


Well-Known Member
Can you not grow a certain number? Haven't checked my facts yet but I'm fairly certain it like alcohol. Although its regulated by the ATF, I'm stilled allowed to homebrew x gallons without a license. In the same right I'm allowed x tobacco plants, is what I understand.


Well-Known Member
Ive been growing tobacco in the us for 5 years. Its a lot of fun and NOT against the law until you try and sell it, as some of you mentioned. Although, when growing tobacco the cure process to even be good enough for pipe tobacco is around 9 months. I find it need more like a year to taste recognizable. I have always saved and cured nice leaves in cedar, you want they to cure soo slow that they turn almost leathery and see through, then you fill those fuckers with some of your nicest herb. <--best spliff ever.


Well-Known Member
you are aware that they sell seed at walmart. No, it is not illegal to grow. You may run into the govt if you distribute tobacco, not seed, though.