ventilation question for vert growing


I'm gonna be going with 2 1000w HPS's. Do you recommend using cool tubing? Or could I just hook up bare bulbs (shown below)?



Well-Known Member
IMO i would go with bare bulbs. I run 2k bare in a 10x5 tent with no heat problems, but i do live in washington. just my $.02 hope it helps


IMO i would go with bare bulbs. I run 2k bare in a 10x5 tent with no heat problems, but i do live in washington. just my $.02 hope it helps

changed my design around little, got some advice from a guy who has years of HVAC experience:


Well-Known Member
Looks even better the only way to know for sure is to go for it. Best of luck and post some pics when you get the room up and finished :)


Well-Known Member
Some niggas all bout the barebulb action, me personally I cool tube it and then have my 1000W like 6" from the foliage when the plants finish >.< but to each their own