Vaped bud Coconut oil...?


Well-Known Member
I have 32 grams of Avb
22 grams of small nugs of various strains
2 grams of lower grade qwet
3.5 cups of coconut oil
and my magical butter machine

I was planning on throwing it all in the machine but wanted to hear some feedback first
kinda thinking it may be too much for only 3.5 cups
or maybe I should just leave out the avb


New Member
I am still experimenting with my MB2
I wish I could use lower quantities, as 2 cups of oil is almost a pound, which requires a large amount of herb.
1/2 oz per cup of oil is my minimum (I used this the first time)
I also tried with 1 oz of herb per cup. but the results did not see to be twice as strong.

I used on 220 degrees for about 90 min.


Well-Known Member
I used to make coconut oil with volcano duff all the time. 1-2 oz duff per 1/2cup coconut oil. I used liquid/liquid in a crockpot. MB is pretty much just a crockpot but can't use water to pull out the nasties.


Well-Known Member
i've only used my magical butter machine once but i was reasonably pleased with the results. i did it on the cycle that they recommended for oil.

i ended up using 1.5 oz of bud to 2 oz of oil. it was weak, so i added another 1/2 oz to about one oz of the canna oil. it's better (i have to eat 10 or so caps to get nicely buzzed but far from zonked) but i want it stronger so i'm going to make another batch soon and will be going for at least 2.5 oz of bud to one oz of oil. maybe three. that's too much for the machine to take at once so i may run it twice or grind the buds first so they will fit between the lines.
one dude mentioned putting it on clean and let the machine grind up the buds.

i'm not sure if it is very economical for me to make the canna caps. 3/4 gram of bud, put into firecrackers, gets me nicely high. that's 112 highs for 3 oz of bud. that's also making 112 cookies or firecrackers which is what i'm trying to avoid by using the capsules.

i doubt that i will get anywhere near 112 highs if i make oil. i lost some oil by not squeezing hard enough and by having dry cheese cloth which absored some of the oil.

i'll try it once more, and if the number of highs per how every much oil i can squeeze out of the remains is far below 112, i may have to put this into the good ideas that didn't work out for me.

i have close to 3 oz of AVB too so i'm going to whip up a batch with that out of curiosity.
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Well-Known Member
ya ive never been to pleased with my MB, but it is easy when you are busy
i just cant get over the decarb cycle i don't trust it for shit!
nothing beats double boiler for decarboxylation
im about to go back to crock pot method, and reduce my bud into hash and start from there

thanks for the replies