Using mighty wash for mites


Active Member
Hey all, I just noticed I have a horrible spider mite problem! Probably because it's spring and we let our two cats go outside and they come near the plants at least once a day but anyway a very knowledgeable friend at the grow store recommended mighty wash and I've read up on it and heard great things. So I was just wondering if anyone knows how often I'm supposed to use it? Can't call the dude that knows until tomorrow so if anyone has any experience please let me know! Thanks!! =)


Active Member
With the life cycle of the mite. every 3 days for a week and a half or two weeks. IMO 3-4 applications


what he said. although im pretty sure i fried all my mites with one blast, it says it kills the eggs too. i hit them a second time to be safe and havent needed to since. Mighty Wash equals Mite Holocaust. happy slaying!