U.S. Drug Czar backs decriminalization!


Well-Known Member
I was thinking it might happen soon, just because the economy is fucked. The government will probably want to numb the public. But then again, decriminalization might be bad... think about all the people who grow for a living. They will be destroyed by bigger operations with bigger budgets, even if it's not a big company. And they really don't like people like us because we notice that they are stealing our money for gas and all those things.


Well-Known Member
Listen, I hate to rain on your parade, but this is all coming in near election time. People will say and/or do anything to win the hearts and souls of EVERYONE. Please understand for a second that while he's showing Joe American he can think rational thoughts, he's also aware of several hundred costly operations going on at this very second - taking John and Suzie American out of their home, shuffling their children to D.F.A.C.S, and seizing their hard earned property and income - for growing a couple of plants in their garage.

DO NOT FEEL ANY MORE SAFE because of these meaningless headlines! This is election time and you're dealing with politicians (crooks in suits paid by your taxes)! I don't like bumming you guys out, but when marijuana is de-criminalized federally is when at least 85% of registered voters start writing their Congress persons repeatedly demanding such a move. Is this going to happen anytime soon? Well, unfortunately there are too many other things on the table with more priority at this time.

Marijuana is a back-burner topic and always has been. Until the hearts and minds are influenced in the House and Senate and until a President has enough balls to put down the pen and let de-crim pass, Joe, John, and Suzie will continue their pursuit of happiness, but they will always feel uneasy and like second-rate citizens and will eventually pass on and take to the grave a little secret - and that secret is:

"Freedom's just another word for nothin left to lose!"


Well-Known Member
I was thinking it might happen soon, just because the economy is fucked. The government will probably want to numb the public. But then again, decriminalization might be bad... think about all the people who grow for a living. They will be destroyed by bigger operations with bigger budgets, even if it's not a big company. And they really don't like people like us because we notice that they are stealing our money for gas and all those things.
decriminalization and legalization is totally different.
decriminalization- will make it so u can carry up to an ounce or less and wont go to jail or fined which would keep the marijuana in the hands of dealers and such
legalization- will make it ok to grow and buy in stores. (able to grow by making u purchase a license yearly which says u can grow a certain number of plants and buy like the netherlands only 5g a day or so)


Well-Known Member
decriminalization and legalization is totally different.
decriminalization- will make it so u can carry up to an ounce or less and wont go to jail or fined which would keep the marijuana in the hands of dealers and such
legalization- will make it ok to grow and buy in stores. (able to grow by making u purchase a license yearly which says u can grow a certain number of plants and buy like the netherlands only 5g a day or so)
I do realize the difference, it just depends on how decriminalized it became... that was my point.


Well-Known Member
One small step for decriminalization and two jumps back for legalization,dam the crooked politicians and there antics to gain face with people,never trust a politician to be honest because every smile hides a bold face lie.


Well-Known Member
i think that it would be great if they decriminalized in mexico. maybe some of the illegals here will want to go bak.
really any decriminalization in the world is better than a stagnant pond of marijuana reforms/policies. decriminalization is the place to start. if nothing is done closer to home so the govt can see that it can make them money and doesnt rally have bad health effect, then nothing will ever get done to move us closer to legalization. for the govt legalization would be the worst decision. theyll want to treat it like alcohol. sell it and prevent ppl from growing it themselves. if ppl are growing it then the govt wont make as much on it.
so, if the govt decriminalizes it then they can sell it for money, ppl will go to the store for it cuz its easier and because selling is still illegal then dealers would lose business.
basically the point is that decriminalization anywhere is better than nothing. if its done in mexico then the us govt has a much better ability to see its effects on a society and its effects on govt profitability (if handled properly).
i say decriminalize in mexico.


Well-Known Member
But the fact is, the government already understands that marijuana is not as harmful to the body as tobacco product and could really care less what health benefits it has. There is this stigmata of cannabis that has been wedged into the ass of every buttoned-up politician. Until and unless people demand to get reform on the ticket for voting and show up in massive numbers to support the reform of cannabis, it will remain a brown smelly stain on the shorts of these politicians. But the theory is, things can come out in the wash.

Goddammit, VOTE - VOTE - VOTE