Topping plants in vert?

Do any of you do this? Reason behind it? I initially topped when I started growing vertically, and was advised to up my plant count and run them untopped, which I've been doing. More vertical growth with untopped plants to fill more canopy area would be the reasoning behind not topping, that was explained to me.

Would like to hear what others have to say about the subject.


Well-Known Member
I would think you should do it the way YOU want. Try 1 or 2 topped and see how the results are.
I Think if you top in vert early on, you will have more main colas stretch when you flower.


Well-Known Member
I have done both..we are growing trees mind you. We top all the plants now. Reason being that the end up being less Xmas tree shaped and more like hedges. We get better yields of higher quality buds that way. We are vertical bare bulb. 5' on center

Prawn Connery

Well-Known Member
^ What he said.

Topping can work well if you leave six or eight branches to grow as individual stems. That way you can fan them out around the bulb and they end up less "Chrsitmas tree" shaped (skinny at the top, fat at the bottom) - as mentioned.

But it really depends on strain. I have a sativa hybrid that loves to branch out and becomes a bit unmanagable if I top it. I have a haze plant that absolutely has to be topped before I can grow it indoors. And I have a couple of indicas that also prefer not to be topped, as they yield better when grown taller (and a little stretchier to begin with).