Too many nutes? 5-9-5 Flowering pics, how far along is she?


Well-Known Member
Here is an outdoor Sharksbreath proceeding nicely in nothern Italy, I'm a little worried that I may have supplied too mant nutrients as I noticed one of the top leaves started to curl but I think it may have been a natural malformation or a spider or something, I've been reassured that I have not over fertilized, how's she looking?! I think I'm 2 weeks into flowering but not exactly sure, she's 80% Indica 20% Sativa and flowering indoors is 8-9 weeks, the first frost here is Nov 12 so I should be fine, if it's sunny only 2 days a week and the rest overcast and rainy will I still have a decent harvest!? Please comment as I need to be reassured by the rest of you as it is my first lady!!! Watering regularly with cane suger, not molasses.



Well-Known Member
she looks really good,, im no outdoor expert, but i doubt u need to worry bout lack of light in Italy.. its no nute burn either..:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
That plant looks real healthy and seems to be doing great, 1 malformed leaf out of 100 isn't a concern, the entire plant looks amazing and thats what counts.

Also, i'd say that your plant isnt 2 weeks into flowering, as it looks as if it is just in the very early stages of flowering.. 2 weeks is too generous an estimate imo (sry to say)..

As for the lack of light, hopefully it wont affect the outcome.. in reality, you may drop in production a little but it won't be noticeable so don't lose sleep over it. The plant looks to have some good genes behind it and if you continue taking care of it like you have been, it'll carry itself thru the flowering stage problem free.



Well-Known Member
(These pics are from today 9/29 - took 'em on my lunch break ;) ) I've got fresh pics from yesterday evening, just can't seem to post them from my home PC, gives me an error, I'll load 'em from work tomorrow, now 2/3 weeks into flowering and worried about a soggy October, it was fairly dry last week but we've got some rain in the forecast... Seems my yield will be comprimised by the cooler weather, she's resisting nicely and it has only dipped into the mid 40's once, she still looks great, looks like the buds are not growing as fast as I'd hoped, I cut off the lowest wimpiest branch last night and it was pretty potent so I know that the quality is there, I just want it to mature without any problems with humidity and bud rot, for Balihai - How's your weather been?... Think I got at least 5/6 more weeks... Waiting sucks, plus some of the foliage around the area on a fence that is near is starting to whither away... Sticking with the 5-9-5 once a week and the raw cane sugar... Worried about the weather!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Lookin good Stoopy, The weather for last week was partly sunny and cool. Hasent rained in a minute :-P. Its cool cause i water them every two days. They are nearing theyre final week. Im so exited. Good luck Bro. Leme know how eveythings goin for ya! Peace, Stoop :weed: