The shadow government....

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
The Mao suit was placed there to make a joke of people who try to control what is within the realm of discussion by using ad hominem to skirt issues they cannot successfully argue. It was a trap and you fell for it. Says much about you.
i fell for nothing.

dingus is selling his agenda, and the Mao Suit was not a "trap" it was most likely a dogwhistle.

that video didnt offer any facts any real analysis, and simply bombarded the viewer with feelings, assumptions and vague statements designed to beg the question.

of course YOU liked it, you posted it.

it was still idiotic, which says even more about YOU

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
now I want to watch this. He will be hiding for awhile.
who will be hiding for a while?

pronouns should not be used without a firmly established subject to which your reference can be pointed.

dont they teach composition in "Ivy League Universities" any more, or can you skip those courses when you have a "Merit Scholarship"?

(note how the pronoun "they" above refers to the immediately obvious subject "Ivy League Universities", leaving no question as to whom i was referring, despite the non-specific nature of pronouns...)


Well-Known Member
who will be hiding for a while?

pronouns should not be used without a firmly established subject to which your reference can be pointed.

dont they teach composition in "Ivy League Universities" any more, or can you skip those courses when you have a "Merit Scholarship"?

(note how the pronoun "they" above refers to the immediately obvious subject "Ivy League Universities", leaving no question as to whom i was referring, despite the non-specific nature of pronouns...)
An aforementioned quote makes quick reference to the fact.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You are all about talking, is that all you got? Lets hear it, what are you all about? Got anything besides a mouth?
still not grasping the obvious:


so far you have flapped your gums extensively, bemoaned your terrible life, and the many hardships you have endured, and blamed everybody in society for your own misfortune, yet still have not declared WHY i should give a fuck about your problems, or why i should have to surrender my goods and labour to support you.

YOU are the one who asserted that you work making $24/hour, then implied you live solely on disability, pissed and moaned about how little disability gives you, and how you are incapable of obtaining gainful employment (despite the aforementioned $24/hour job) and then foam at the mouth demanding i justify myself to you.

i dont have to justify myself to you, YOU dont pay my wages, nor do you pay my bills.

I pay YOUR bills, thus YOU should justify YOUR existence to ME.


Well-Known Member
who will be hiding for a while?

pronouns should not be used without a firmly established subject to which your reference can be pointed.

dont they teach composition in "Ivy League Universities" any more, or can you skip those courses when you have a "Merit Scholarship"?

(note how the pronoun "they" above refers to the immediately obvious subject "Ivy League Universities", leaving no question as to whom i was referring, despite the non-specific nature of pronouns...)
Does the Dr. care to share? I feel like you might just be a nobody.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
An aforementioned quote makes quick reference to the fact.
another example of your typically thick witted responses.

the quoted statement has no subject of it's own, and when taken by itself, the only logical inference is that the word "He" refers to the dolt in the video, wearing a Mao-suit.

this is illogical since the dingus in the Mao-suit has no reason to hide, being as he is, obviously a fame whore.

(see how my pronouns refer to an established subject in each case, amazing. )


Well-Known Member
another example of your typically thick witted responses.

the quoted statement has no subject of it's own, and when taken by itself, the only logical inference is that the word "He" refers to the dolt in the video, wearing a Mao-suit.

this is illogical since the dingus in the Mao-suit has no reason to hide, being as he is, obviously a fame whore.

(see how my pronouns refer to an established subject in each case, amazing. )
Let me ask you, mirror boy, when you join in on a conversation, do you demand others make reference to the subject they are speaking of? Do you force them to explain themselves in their entirety so that you may be apprised of the entire subject matter? Or do you just shut the fuck up, listen for a moment and figure out who or what the subject is?

If the first, you don't have many friends. Which explains your eternal existence on rollitup.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Let me ask you, mirror boy, when you join in on a conversation, do you demand others make reference to the subject they are speaking of? Do you force them to explain themselves in their entirety so that you may be apprised of the entire subject matter? Or do you just shut the fuck up, listen for a moment and figure out who or what the subject is?

If the first, you don't have many friends. Which explains your eternal existence on rollitup.
and the buffleheaded meandering from fact continues.

"he said things and she disagreed and they all decided that they should make him pay for their lunch bill while he was in the toilet so they got his onion rings and he left his wallet in the toilet stall while they all enjoyed his new puppy's antics on her video on that website where they post things..."

without firmly established subjects, a pronoun is MEANINGLESS (much like most of your blibbering posts)

your internal monologue and mindless jabbering are as pointless as ever.

"mirror boy"?

i am certain you feel this is a cutting barb, but you are retarded, so who knows what the fuck goes on in that rats nest you call a brain.

and thats why you are on my incredibly sparsely populated ignore list.

take you off the list for a day and you go right back on.

only bucky (who may in fact be you) produces such an extensive amount of "dont give a fuck" in me.


Well-Known Member
still not grasping the obvious:


so far you have flapped your gums extensively, bemoaned your terrible life, and the many hardships you have endured, and blamed everybody in society for your own misfortune, yet still have not declared WHY i should give a fuck about your problems, or why i should have to surrender my goods and labour to support you.

YOU are the one who asserted that you work making $24/hour, then implied you live solely on disability, pissed and moaned about how little disability gives you, and how you are incapable of obtaining gainful employment (despite the aforementioned $24/hour job) and then foam at the mouth demanding i justify myself to you.

i dont have to justify myself to you, YOU dont pay my wages, nor do you pay my bills.

I pay YOUR bills, thus YOU should justify YOUR existence to ME.
First, you don't care about are a selfish prick and proud of it. I have been on disability for 2.5 years and never complained. I blame nobody and in no way does disability put you above me or anybody else, that is a ridiculous assertion. I have put in a lot of taxes in my time and you cant hide. Your little games are just a pathetic way of saying I sell fruit....the end. Here is a position, you are a prejudice, self righteous, asshole and you are beneath me. Every word is just so transparent. Go find someone who respects your self-loathing and loneliness disguised as intelligence and who is interested in a debating a closed minded asshole. Frankly, I don't find you an interesting person, your opinions are sickening and it just kills me we cant have this chat face-to-face. Justify yourself or bite my ass you cyber-bully.


Well-Known Member
Does the Dr. care to share? I feel like you might just be a nobody.
Dr. K is many things, an empty suit not being amongst them.

He and I have engaged in debate, and he has yielded when he saw that I held the superior position, becoming the first person on this forum who I have seen say "you're right."

This displays that he does listen and consider the views of others.

On top of it all, he is one of the few posters on this forum who is capable of making a point, and not just repeating one. His posts are filled with substance.

You don't agree with him, so what? A typical post from him has more substance than your entire thread.


Well-Known Member
Dr. K is many things, an empty suit not being amongst them.

He and I have engaged in debate, and he has yielded when he saw that I held the superior position, becoming the first person on this forum who I have seen say "you're right."

This displays that he does listen and consider the views of others.

On top of it all, he is one of the few posters on this forum who is capable of making a point, and not just repeating one. His posts are filled with substance.

You don't agree with him, so what? A typical post from him has more substance than your entire thread.
You are not doing him any favors by vouching for him. The bar you set is the lowest around so forgive me for not suddenly respecting him. To any outsider you are two intolerant peas in a pod.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
First, you don't care about are a selfish prick and proud of it. I have been on disability for 2.5 years and never complained. I blame nobody and in no way does disability put you above me or anybody else, that is a ridiculous assertion. I have put in a lot of taxes in my time and you cant hide. Your little games are just a pathetic way of saying I sell fruit....the end. Here is a position, you are a prejudice, self righteous, asshole and you are beneath me. Every word is just so transparent. Go find someone who respects your self-loathing and loneliness disguised as intelligence and who is interested in a debating a closed minded asshole. Frankly, I don't find you an interesting person, your opinions are sickening and it just kills me we cant have this chat face-to-face. Justify yourself or bite my ass you cyber-bully.
"cyber bully"?

so i guess youre a 12 year old girl with body image issues and a deep seated need to cut yourself so you can feel anything?

if i am a "Cyber Bully" then that would make you a professional victim, forever whinging about bullshit that is nobody's fault but your own, looking for validation from nameless faceless strangers on the interwebs.
so my diagnosis of Internet Munchhausen Syndrome appears to be SPOT ON.

maybe i should assemble a team and get a job at Princeton Plainsborough.

but that would mean moving to new jersey, which will naturally cause me to become a vicodin addict.

i already got the limp and misanthropy, so fuck it.



New Member
Dr. K is many things, an empty suit not being amongst them.

He and I have engaged in debate, and he has yielded when he saw that I held the superior position, becoming the first person on this forum who I have seen say "you're right."

This displays that he does listen and consider the views of others.

On top of it all, he is one of the few posters on this forum who is capable of making a point, and not just repeating one. His posts are filled with substance.

You don't agree with him, so what? A typical post from him has more substance than your entire thread.
Is it me, or have you noticed a big change in the doc since the dreds?