The root of all Evil!!


Well-Known Member
Now then,

I asked a similar question to this one recently, but I think I worded it wrong. So here goes again.

I've got three girls that are about 3 and half weeks into flowering about 28" tall, they have more than doubled since I started flowering them and I believe they are at there maximum height there going to acheive.

Right the problem, there only in 1 gallon pots, but seeing as they are already fully grown and reached there height limted I didnt see the point in transplanting, until someone pointed out that more roots = more bud.

So my question is, if i transplant them to say a 3 gallon pot, will this increse my yeild? or will the plant focus most of it's energy growing new roots instead of focussing on Bud growth?


Boistly Boist.


Well-Known Member
I am in the exact same situation. I don't know if the plant grows roots while that far in flowering, it might not, but done carefully it's not going to hurt to transplant. I am going to do mine and I guess I'll have the answer come harvest time, but hopefully someone else has done this too and will educate us both.


Well-Known Member
Once your plants go into flowering they do not grow roots like they do in veg. Since it's not growing more roots there should be no point in transplanting. Unless it's rootbound already of course.


Well-Known Member
Don't transplant you will be fine, transplanting will shock your plants for a bit and they will waste energy dealing with the new home instead of spending all of their energy building nice tight buds.


Well-Known Member
Damn I wish I wasn't a procrastinator.

Oh well... Thanks for the info guys. I thought they might stop all root growth but I wasn't sure. Makes sense, the plants think they're at the end of life so why grow roots.