The Repeal Cannabis Prohibition Act


Well-Known Member

The Repeal Cannabis Prohibition Act would simply repeal the sections of California law prohibiting marijuana. It would also create a California Cannabis Commission to create a system of regulated cannabis commerce.

"If conduct is not prohibited, the feds cannot force a state to prohibit it," said Joe Rogoway, one of the initiative's sponsors. "This initiative eviscerates cannabis prohibition in California, all the laws would be wiped off the books," he said.

I understand there is a possible problem with this but it sounds good.


Well-Known Member
I see Google picked up this thread in it's alerts so I welcome everyone to post and discuss this Initiative.

Myself I feel that what we really need to do is empower all Californians to have access to Cannabis.

By that I mean change the choice of Cannabis to a personal choice rather than a crime and punishment choice.

Let's face facts people like Cannabis.


Well-Known Member
it sounds good to me - all of the harm from pot in my mind has been the prosecution.. who gets thrown in jail for wine??