The price of weed in LLCBO's skyrockets!!!


Well-Known Member
Justin Trudeau Announces The Cost of Marijuana In Canada 82726 SHARES ShareShare ONTARIO – Upon the legalization of marijuana that will take place on April 20th 2016, Justin Trudeau on the behalf of the liberal party has announced the prices of marijuana that will be sold at stores across Canada. Justin Trudeau mentioned that the marijuana being produced and sold are high quality and are being grown in the best soil. At a local marijuana stores in Canada, marijuana will be sold in a tight, sealed, smell-proof and clear plastic bag. The prices are: $19.99 for a gram. $499.99 for an ounce. $249.99 for half an ounce. Additional tax will be added. UPDATE: Justin Trudeau Sets Legal Age For Smoking Marijuana To 24 Years Old UPDATE: Justin Trudeau Announces His New Marijuana Strain “Trudeau Express”


YA BOY...ROBBERY at its finest..

BOYCOTT THIS BULSHIT PEOPLE like the hippy says!!