The Blues - Are You A Fan? Recommend Some


Active Member
Are you a fan of The Blues?

For me, The Blues is the ultimate in music. If you really do your research, you will find that The Blues is the base for everything... yes, even Rap/Hip Hop. All the music we have today... all of it... exists because of The Blues.

What is The Blues? Is it that 12-Bar music about evil women and other bad things with long guitar solos that can be extended and jammed on?

Yes, that is, without a doubt, the most popular/most well-known presentation of the genre. But, to me, The Blues transcends that. To me, The Blues is the ultimate musical form. Is the soul of every song you will ever hear.

Do you you play an instrument (and I do include a DJ station [or whatever it's called] in that). Do you ever sit down with that instrument and just... play? I don't mean play a song, or practice scales or whatever... just let your hands/fingers/sticks do all the moving.

If you have, then you've played The Blues. Every single song ever written starts as The Blues, because this is how every single song begins (or should begin).

To me, The Blues is also the highest form of music. It is the pinnacle of musical perfection. Why? Because The Blues has no rules. It has no boundaries. The only limit in The Blues is your creativity. Some would try to tell you that this title belong to Classical Music, but, IMO, this is not the case, and for one reason. Classical Music is too limiting, too restricting. It is all about rules. There is no room for improvisation in the works of Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Handel, Tchaikovsky, etc, etc, etc. But in The Blues, you can go wherever your musical heart desires.

And that, my friends, is The Blues.

What are your opinions?


Active Member
I'd have to agree completely with what you say, and i believe it myself.

I may be a poor man, a blues man, but I'm a good man. Understand?


Well-Known Member
damn great post Nate. Couldn't have said it better myself. I think I'm gonna have to go shred my guitar in your name right now.