Storage Optins

I am forced to keep my stash outside of the house now (mom). She says I can keep it in the garage. Problem is it is way too hot in there for proper storage.

My question is, if I keep it in a sealed baby food jar in the outside fridge will it be ok? Moldy? Will probably be out there for ~2 weeks. The bud is properly dried and cured already. I just noticed alot of condensation on the outside of the glass. Doesn't appear to be any moisture on inside when I checked. Just curious if I'm overreacting about the mold situation.

Thanks all.


Well-Known Member
if it's dried and cured, your good to go. a cold, dark place is the ideal spot for storage of cannabis. make sure the jar your using provides a good seal though....good luck


Active Member
A Fridge is actually a great place to store stuff. As long as you keep it sealed, completely sealed, you'll be fine. I suggest mason jars , but baby food will work too. I know someone who has actually dipped the top of the jars in wax once they were filled and capped.