Spider mite treatment?? Help please


Active Member
Hi i have had a bit of a ongoing problem with mmites and i have been using plant vitality to spray them with, i have now run out and have read that it is best to change spray every time because they get used to it, is this true??? If so could someone recommend some other spray please.

I have one plant 7 weeks into flowering
5 2 weeks in to flowering
and 6 new cuttings

all these would need to be treated with that spray so it would have to be non toxic as you all probably know

cheers lloyd


Well-Known Member
100 percent cold pressed is best....5ml per litre of tepid water with a little dish soap to emulsify........fine spray leaves pots earth etc.....


Active Member
From personal experience, currently dealing with a small mite issue, I've been using HotShots from Home Depot $7 each, using double what is reccomended. Within 24 hours, I couldn't find a living mite, though I still have eggs after a few days. Expecting to be free of this for at least a bit once they all hatch. I also am using Mighty Wash, but am probably gonna switch to water, to clean off excess dead bugs and stuff. HotShots are supposed to be pretty poisonous however, so dont use em in a bedroom grow, and don't spend more time than you have to around them. I've spent a few hours trimming and stuff around it, and am not dead, but not sure the long term problems. More worried about my dog, who doesn't even go to the same floor, but not sure what is seeping out of the room and upstairs. Also you can't vent your room during the time you want them working, you can probably cycle but I'd let them do their work for at least like 12 hour periods. Maybe take them down during venting times, not sure you want that shit vented out of the room. I'd say its the equivilent coverage of a bomb, but less messy, though seems to work better. I've tried using them with my exhaust on, and they did nothing. The chemical kinda permeates the room. I blow on them with a fan. I still see eggs, and no live mites, so I'm assuming they are dying as quick as they can hatch.


so uve used plant vitality plus and u still have them or you have a fresh infestation? if its new infestation i would stick with PVP ive had nothing but perfect results and never heard anything else


Well-Known Member
Dawn dish detergent and water. spray daily. i'm a gardener of veggies, and a worm keeper. i got mites......365 days a year. keep them down, and in their place. you can dust with DE, also, but it must remain dry. good luck!