Spider Mite bites on this leaf?

Just picked up an Agent Orange clone from a reputable dispensary (Yesterday), have had it quarantined inside a humidity dome and first thing this morning i see these marks underneath one of the leaves, spider mites right? I wanted to wait a good 3 days before i dipped it because i wanted to see if it was a clean cutting or not. i guess I'm gonna have to dip it today... All I have is Einstein Oil and coco wet (wetting agent).... And i have some isopropyl alcohol as well... I'm considering doing a dip in the einstein oil since thtas all I have... What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
if its def spider mite. just pick up the clone and turn it upside down might take a few secs or so and the spider mite will make there way to the bottom of the stem wich is the top now the right way for them. then getting them of should be much simpler. ive seen this with my own eyes work on more mature plants. should work on clones should work on anything. its worth a shot


Well-Known Member
mites suck!!! gotta fight em i used to use a horticultural oil spray called PURESPRAY GREEN not made anymore, butthere are lots of stuff, i have 2x the hotshot no pest strips hanging and also i spray if they need it.. check out my thread
Damn yeah i can see now on the leaf next to the leaf that had the spots this morning now the other leaf has spots too, seem to be spreading. Im broke and all i have is einstein oil and coco wet, anyone know what would be a good ratio to mix with water to dip?
just dipped both of my clones in neem (1 teaspoon per gallon with a tablespoon of coco wet). The Agent Orange took the dipping well, didnt wilt at all, the Kens GDP clone though looks really wilted now after the dipping... TGA strains are some damn strong genetics...


New Member
3/4 cup murphys oil soap to five gallons water works good for a dip. you need to wipe off the undersides of the leaves as you pull it out.
i ended up dumping the clone and replacing it with another agent orange from the dispensary. cleaned out my humidity quarantine dome with rubbing alcohol and dipped both clones again (with neem).


Well-Known Member
funny the mites always go for the Agent Orange and Lemon G first in my tent, its the good shit ;) theres two phenos of agent orange its a great strain