SourCream in Flowering problem


Active Member
SO up untill now when its flowering the leaves started to turn yellow. Not like a nute burn yellow like a bright yellow idk it weird. Im thinking it mag def. But when I checked on them today (I checked on them the day earlier) one of the flowering buds completely died. So this is where I draw the line and come here for help.
So basically I have a flowering sourcream that its leaves started to turn yellow and slowly the leaves die then I have a cola the the whole bud die so its getting bad any ideas?
O and its been watered well I was going to give it a half solution feeding today to give it some P,K but the soil already looked pretty moist so I only gave a little water to it.



Active Member
it looks like it could be two problems at once... i'm thinking some kind of burrowing insect (i don't have my reference at hand but in the grow bible *cervantes* there is a whole section on it)... for the other i'm thinking it is magnesium def... neem oil all over and some heavier mg and you should be right as rain in a week... good luck, hoped it helps...
Open the top of the bud that is rotted away and see if you can find a little worm in the stem, if you do just squeez the stem to try to kill it or you can stick a needle in the stem to also try to kill the burrowing insect.


Active Member
ok I will check the the buds to see if there any worms in there..again. bout 1 week ago I found a worm hiding in the top bud and it pretty much killed half of it so I pulled it off. Now as you can see theres 2 bud tops growing out now haha. So yes I guess a worm could be a problem for the bud. I dont think a worm can make the leaves turn yellow and slowly die though:shock:
Well the leaves that are turning yelow and dying is usually normal in a plants life but it looks like you have a nitrogen deficiency though witch is not really a big problem just give it some Miracle grow blue powder stuff in your waterings and that should have enough nitrogen to give to your plants as long as other nutrients.