Someone needs to Science up some weed for a cold!


Well-Known Member
I take zinc daily and vit c twice a day and haven't had a cold or flu in ages. The zinc is good for the prostate too and gets rid of those thrice nightly trips to the bathroom and keeps the lead in your pencil.

Saw Palmetto and pumpkin seeds/oil is also great for the prostate and general health.



Well-Known Member
You guys need to lick more public doorknobs build up your immunities. I haven't been sick in thirty years and I'm only 27.. I'm telling ya doorknobs are the way to go
useless fact, didja know that that is why they make doorknobs out of brass and silver?
both have antimicrobial properties.
especially silver.
As always, I suggest blastin peeps with that awesome tidbit of knowledge at parties and social gatherings, but be prepared for the impending damp-panties being dropped or hurled at you
oh yea...