Sodim ligting and c02

When is the best time to start using the sodim lighting and do they produce too much heat for a smal closet like space?

Do they make small sodium lights that wouldnt burn my house down?

And c02, selser water, when to use it and emprevise for the expensive c02 macines, can I produce good results if I keep up on it?

Seattle / Canada / Oregon has the worlds best. Kudos for the Northwest!!! Yes that includes you too Alaska. No sun means Hydroponics, you just don't get any better results when your forced to go indoors.


Well-Known Member
when you want buds switch to hps 12/12 and use 1cup sugar and 20grams of active yeast in a 2L bottle half filled with water for ur co2,how big is your space if its that small get a large cfl bulb from gro store,if heat is concern,or get a cool tube,how bigs is ur space???/ need more info?????????