So i had a go at tincture and oil....


Well-Known Member
Righto Riu,

I have had a go at my first tincture and then boiled half off to oil. I started with 14grams of premo medical grade nugg's.

Tincture was produced with 98% still made grain alcohol.
I used 6 fluid ounces of freezer temp alcohol to the 14 grams of ground up nuggs.
Weed bathed in grog for around four to five hours in freezer.
Then strained and wringed out thru cheesecloth into pyrex bowl ( nice amber color with lots of thick cloudyness at bottom of jar, then thru a pre alcohol soaked coffee filter,
Cloudyness maintained after strain....
I think this is good????
Shook contents of mason jar and took 1 fluid ounce as ticture then put the rest into rice cooker and began vaping off the alcohol.

This is where i believe i fuct things up....

I had not gotten a toothpick or needle to collect my bounty and oil had hardened to rice cooker bottom. So i put what i believed to be an equal amount of coconut oil into the rice cooker pan and gave a boiling water bath in a larger pan which let the oil come off the rice cooker dish but needed a small amount of water (3ml which i continued to boil off) and all came out sweet with a syringe into another tiny mason jar.
I think for my first go it will still get pain relief to my aunt with m.s as this is all its for. And her husband with COPD.
If anyone can help me perfect my recipe, it will also keep my in free weed which i am lucky to be in the position to recieve here in australia.
Attached are pics of bounty from 14 grams....



Well-Known Member
Cmon @Fadedawg, i am tiny scale, also bandwith for net very expensive in Australia ( so link works fine but cost big dollars just to look at ) just want your thoughts upon a blokes first run with alcohol extraction. I do appreciate the posted link but as stated i WANT ppl to tell me what they think.
P.s yeild was 1.5 gr from 14 gram heads

Ummm, I wrote the article and that is what I think.


Well-Known Member
The link faded posted is a great page. I only do small scale extractions for my personal use, and I have learned almost everything that I currently do from skunkpharm. Great resource.

If your operating on a much smaller scale then do some math and play around with the info that you gain. Dont ask him to retype all the info just for you.

I dont mean to sound like an ass but i feel its common courtesy and sense.


Well-Known Member
Here is what you are looking for. Get the shit cold - as cold as possible. Soak. Filter. Keep it cold through all of it. Then evaporate. Voila...