So . . . I got inpatient


Well-Known Member
as the title says my 'jane doe' bagseed little learner lady has helped me understand in practise shit i was a bit miffed about when reading . .
the topping that turned to fim'n . . had good results and even taking clones was o.k untill i took her head right off , buuut she seemed to survive as new growth continued.
But yeh while thinkin of the future plans and germin a couple dozen more bseeds while i wait for my buddha cheese to sporut, I decided to slam her under the hps 12/12 partly to test the heat generated on a full cycle partly to see if she could kickstart back into action without much of a recovery.
Be interesting to see the difference 24hours of led has compared to 12hours of high pressure sodium :D . . if she herms , i guess it was ment to be and if not im hopin to still double her size n at least get a wee sample of how she tastes.


Well-Known Member
i know man , i just couldnt tell myself she was worthwhile , be a different story entirely if/when i get my durban poison , big buddha cheese and northern soul on the go.
Im still happy to wait for my seedlings and clones just wanted to see what the hps chatter was all about , grabbin a couple pics i feel like iv got a tan haha


Well-Known Member
i know man , i just couldnt tell myself she was worthwhile , be a different story entirely if/when i get my durban poison , big buddha cheese and northern soul on the go.
Im still happy to wait for my seedlings and clones just wanted to see what the hps chatter was all about , grabbin a couple pics i feel like iv got a tan haha

Hey Chazel you sound like you really have a great deal of knowledge and you answer one of my question earlier about ( is she helathy) I was wondering if there is anyway I can pick you brain some more, im not sure if there is a way we can chat one on one or email..this is my first time growing and I got a few questions..hope you can help


Well-Known Member
seems you found the pm feature before i noticed this haha
howz things progressing for u anyway dude?