Small reservoir and proper titration.

Admittedly new to aeroponics setups. After a lot of reading on here I settled on Aquachem pool shock, pondcare pond zyme, and botanicare zho w/ botanicare cns17. My rez will be around 5 gal planning on small systems and frequent changes. Using clone king system for SOG growing. Problem is pool shock and pondzyme are designed for massive water volumes. With such a small rez it's going to be extremely difficult to titrate. Would it be possible to cut the chem with something, say like sand, to dilute the dry weight concentration for better measurement? I know sand probably not the best idea just trying to come up with something neutral.


Active Member
Best bet I would think is to get 35% food grade H202 and dilute with distilled water down to 3%. Why do u mind me asking did u go with powder? More economical.


Well-Known Member
Like said use one or the other.

If your going to use pool shock why would you cut it with sand lol......

Use water(dilute.) Add a measured small amount in a quart or liter bottle. Then add a small amount of that mixture to res.

Don't know how stable pondzyme would be in a bottle.

- Jiji
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