Small Indoor Grow Area.. WILL IT WORK?


Well-Known Member
Okay, I'm growing in a small box, so help me find the easiest and most efficent way to grow my plants.
Details: My lights take up Approx 6in. of space, But I can move them some to get my plants to be able to grow 15-16in tall.
WIDTH- approx. 22in.
Details: I keep other things inside, take up about 3-5 in of space, fan inside etc;
DEPTH- approx 13in.
1) I'm testing this out with bagseed, I'm going to ATTEMPT to successfully grow a plant in here, I'm planning on it having 1 main cola.
2) I have 4 43watt 2700lumen CFL lights going right now, plant just lost its seedling leaves.
3) Should I upgrade to HPS?(DO I HAVE THE SPACE?)


Active Member
ur planning on flowering and all in that small of space? that sounds efficent enough for vegging, but u might run into some problems while flowering, but thats just my opinion, best of luck....


Well-Known Member
Well, Im probably going to order a Autoflowering strain, I've been looking into LR2 Feminized from Attitude seeds.. I'm going to be ordering 2 125w CFLs which will hopefully lower the heat..