Should I prune this GDP autoflower (seed from MSNL) ?


Well-Known Member
I meant to provide this info with the photo but, being a recently thawed-out caveman I find many of your modern inventions terrifying and confusing. Couldn't figure out how to do it in just one post. Darn. :wall:

Anyway, this plant grew from an autoflower GDP seed I ordered from MSNL. I started the seed about three weeks ago. The plant measures about 18 inches from soil line to tiptop. You can see side branches that sprouted about an inch or so above the rock wool cube. Those are the first ones I would probably trim, if I do any pruning.

I'm just trying to decide if I should "lollipop" it, but don't want to traumatize this autoflower.

Thanks for any feedback.


Well-Known Member
I've been told that I should not remove the lowest branches because it would result in a lower yield. But I might take off the two lowest sets anyway. Still waiting for more feedback.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't prune if I were you and I see you have stacked your pots probably because you had roots growing out the bottom your kind of limited on what you can do ....I'm not sure if that black pot is large enough to take your plant all the way through simply because I don't grow autos of luck


Well-Known Member
pruning delays the auto & Can affect yeild , i had one auto that got huge after a prune & didn't flower for months yield was off the hook but the delay was a bitch
I'm gonna run auto next spring before the photos just cause i can


Well-Known Member
My master Gardner just removes some of the fan leaves but this was done for sunlight to penetrate the buds development in the flowering stage didn't harm them. Just my 2cents. Bigger 3 gallon pot.Good luck be watching your thread.


Well-Known Member
2 summers ago I did a test with autos , in my g/h in 3 gallon pots in coco G/H Nova nutes ,terpinator ,Rock resinator
Trans Siberian 1/2 of 12 got slapped bent twisted & squeezed 3 weeks in before any flowers (fems)
the abused girls skyrocketed growth to get to 7 ' , the virgins all six stayed small & quickly flowered
the abused took 6 extra weeks to finish but the yield was massive due to huge plants that got tippy real quick
But auto don't work on my migraines not one yet , they worked on joint pain but no didn't faz me no high
U can top them but do it on the 3rd set of leaf no later imo