Should I harvest now?


Active Member
Nope, have not. I guess I shoud go buy somthing to get a closer look? I was trying not to do that. Do you think it looks about done?


Well-Known Member
Trichomes are a good tell when the plant is ready. Mostly cloudy trichomes produces the more uplifting high. Mostly amber produce the stoned high. a 50/50 mix is supposed to get a little of both. Checking under magnification is not a necessity. Looks like you have a little bit longer to go. Be patient!


Well-Known Member
hodgegrown is correct....
the trichome color is another way to tell aswell. but if you dont want to buy a 10 dollar micro scope from radio shack wait about a week to a week and a half after those pics were taken.


Active Member
Thanks for the replies. I preffer the uplifting high with a touch of stoney. So that sounds and looks like soon.:peace:
I'll post more pics in a few days and see what you all think.

Happy toking
