shorter bloom cycle ??


Active Member
Hi there

My medicine has been coming in as completely ripe (amber colored) in a week+ shorter time than the "book" says for GDP. (ie between 6-7 weeks for the last 10 or so cycles). But the yields have been smallish 1/2 to 3/4 lb per 4 X 4 tray).

Should I let it grow the full 8 weeks (and risk it "overriping") ?

(btw, has anyone had any experience with medicine riping beyond the normal time, based on "milky vs amber" ?

Thanks all!


Active Member
Hate to say it but you must be doing something wrong. You sure the plants are absolutely healthy, with good color, getting plenty of light and co2? I mean a 4x4 should have a few pounds within that time period. You'll have to explain more about your process for anyone to figure out what is going wrong.