Second Grow - NL x Skunk Feminised

20140208_055349.jpg 20140312_174558.jpg 20140312_174604.jpg 20140312_174618.jpg 20140323_152657.jpg 20140408_175722.jpg 20140408_175743.jpg 20140408_175745.jpg 20140408_175814.jpg Hey RIP, i'm back again for my second grow.

This time it's a Fem Northern Lights x Skunk from WOS. I am super late with pics however because I wasn't planning on posting this one...but i couldn't resist sharing :P

It was started at the end of November last year, and is yet again a Ghetto grow :( (Due to moving houses + living in a share house now). I've been LST'ing like crazy and tipping a little trying to contain the size, but am running out of space so it will probably get flowered pretty soon. I'ts been under 1 125w 6400k for the first month or two, then I added in another 125w 2700k

It's started flowering a little already - not sure if it's because of dodgy light cycles or because its a fem'd seed.

Anyway here she is :D The first few pics are the last round of LST'ing...I cut her all loose a few days ago to let her stretch and will be tying her down again tonight.

*** Can't upload pics :( Will try again later **


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