Russor Has Arrived


The russ0r
All is well, I have not yet posted this on the main forums in my old update thread, but, i had a plea hearing on 1/02, and plead guilty to manufactering, i got 2 years of suspended time, and 3 years of supervised probation.


The russ0r
Long story short...

My wife told the police i was growing, where it was, how much of it, and where i kept my harvest.


i truly am sorry though my friend...

... i just checked with my fiance.... she promises to never turn me in...


The russ0r
sorry man. it happened to me and i never thought it would. just trying to get the message out of how careful you have to be because of this world.


New Member
I am glad you are back and did not have to go to jail for a long time. This should be a reality check for all of us! If i ever get in toruble I will trun it into a flat out medical issue. My state does not care about sick people enough to allow for medical marijuana. Welcome back!


New Member
nice to meet you's a shame we need to be so secretive, but we do...I am not married, but my girlfriend does not know about my growing...she knows I smoke and thinks it's childish...good to have have you back...:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Sup russ! Very happy to hear that it went well. All i can say is, i've learned this system is like quick sand, once you get in it is extremly hard to get out, they try you for every thing. just keep a clean nose. Good luck on the probation.
Man idk what to do, my gf and i smoke all the time. never told her i grew till she opened up the cab. "looking for her thong"
theres only one thing to do. find a sinkhole. :o mwaahah.. naww naww nerver
but seriously good luck man.
Mr.X God bless

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
my mate was fucking around and his gf done the same thing called the cops when she found out he was cheating. Welcome back russ are u still with her.


New Member
Sneaky Bongspit:lol:

Last May when I decided to start toking again I dropped some seeds into a huge pot outside and waited to see if hubby would notice. I wasn't planning on keeping it a secret from him but just wanted to see how observant he was.

He noticed:-| so I had a LOT of explaining to do right then and there.

Talk about being put on the spot.:roll:
Now he is very interested in my grow and even is helping me to build a grow room.
nice to meet you's a shame we need to be so secretive, but we do...I am not married, but my girlfriend does not know about my growing...she knows I smoke and thinks it's childish...good to have have you back...:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
hey russOr,,I'm HoLE,,sorry to hear about your vacation,,and even worse ,,how you got it,,my X is a person who would do the same thing,,guess thats why I never even tried to grow while with her,,I just knew,,,fortunately I have a new woman in my life(3 years) who has encouraged me to grow,,and whom I know I could trust with anything,,she is solid,,seen your nick in chat with an @ in front of it,,so I knew you must be a somebody around here,,,,anyway,,welcome back and nice to meet ya

Keep on Growin
