Rockwool Cloning and Low Humidity

The Kush Guy

Active Member
I am following Al B Fuct's cloning FAQ with rockwool cubes, heat mat etc, I am doing my best to duplicate his conditions but my humidity is lower than he has recommended in posts (50%-80%) my humidity is around 30%.

I have added a tray of water to try and raise the humidity but I wanted to know if 30% is too low and detrimental to the cloning process?

Any thoughts or suggestions?



Well-Known Member
I am following Al B Fuct's cloning FAQ with rockwool cubes, heat mat etc, I am doing my best to duplicate his conditions but my humidity is lower than he has recommended in posts (50%-80%) my humidity is around 30%.

I have added a tray of water to try and raise the humidity but I wanted to know if 30% is too low and detrimental to the cloning process?

Any thoughts or suggestions?

Humidity is vet impotrant to seedlings and clones. Use a humidity dome like the guy above me suggests

The Kush Guy

Active Member
What about the trade off between temperature and fresh air with humidity.

I can get the humidity up but it will be at the cost of fresh air and tempurature with a humidity dome.


Well-Known Member
What about the trade off between temperature and fresh air with humidity.

I can get the humidity up but it will be at the cost of fresh air and tempurature with a humidity dome.
Humidity domes have little swivels on the top so you can control it. 2 times a day take the top off and refresh the air. Then put the top back on and spray inside with a mist bottle


Active Member
In a dry climate, use domes. Remove the dome 3-4x a day, wipe off any existing moisture and respray. Give the cuts a light mist as well as needed.
This provides more than enough air exchange too, so don't even worry about that.
If temps get a little high in the domes...lose the heat mat. You could also isolate the mat with towels too if you wanna fine tune it.
My success rate is 99.5% over many yrs using domes and no heat mats in a room that had ambient temps/RH of 75* and 30-35%. (four 40W T12's 1" above the dome top, 18hrs light)