Republican Obstructionism at it's finest


Well-Known Member
As a Professor at MIT since 1966 and a nobel prize laureate in economics(specifically on his work on unemployment and the labor market) Peter Diamond is among those most qualified to fill a vacancy on the Board of directors of the Fed - but according to congressional Republicans he is unqualified. According to Republicans this man's lifes work - which is entirely relevent and widely celebrated - is irrelevent.

This is a joke right? This man has been studying and teaching economics longer than my father has even been alive (he's in his mid 40's). He is not qualified? The Republicans have been blocking appointments since Obama became president... It got ridiculous a long time ago. Does the public even realize this is happening?

There has to be something wrong with the guy right? Is he a socialist? A muslim or some other group Republicans hate? NO... Well, he is an academic - so I guess it comes to no great surprise he is hated among Republicans. But he is no socialist, marxist, w/e you want to call him... He is a professor of economics at MIT. Judging by the lengthy time he has been at MIT, Diamond is likely familiar with Paul Samuelson - one of the greatest economists to ever live - he likely adheres to a very similar idealogy, which I assure you, is quite moderate in approach.

Here is an excerpt from Diamond's Op-ed on the NYtimes, which gives you an idea of what kind of guy he is (moderate):
To the public, the Washington debate is often about more versus less — in both spending and regulation. There is too little public awareness of the real consequences of some of these decisions. In reality, we need more spending on some programs and less spending on others, and we need more good regulations and fewer bad ones.

Analytical expertise is needed to accomplish this, to make government more effective and efficient. Skilled analytical thinking should not be drowned out by mistaken, ideologically driven views that more is always better or less is always better. I had hoped to bring some of my own expertise and experience to the Fed. Now I hope someone else can.
Thanks to the Republicans this great mind will stay at MIT, teaching the next great minds of our country - so I guess it isn't THAT bad... But his knowledge would have been very useful at the Fed. :(


Well-Known Member
Krugman chimes in:
Peter Diamond has a depressing op-ed in today’s Times, withdrawing himself for contention as a member of the Fed board in the face of Republican opposition.

What you need to know about Peter is not just that he’s a very great economist, but that he’s an economist’s economist — someone who is a deeply respected theorist, not at all someone who made his way as an ideologue. His work is basically apolitical.

Professionalism is frowned upon, dont'cha know?


Well-Known Member
Those damned republicans are 100% to blame for every bad thing that has ever happened!!! The world would be a Utopia/ Garden of Eden if only we would just let the democrats grow government so large that it is the only employer for the whole population.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Those damned republicans are 100% to blame for every bad thing that has ever happened!!! The world would be a Utopia/ Garden of Eden if only we would just let the democrats grow government so large that it is the only employer for the whole population.


Well-Known Member
Those damned republicans are 100% to blame for every bad thing that has ever happened!!! The world would be a Utopia/ Garden of Eden if only we would just let the democrats grow government so large that it is the only employer for the whole population.
It's really not that simple. If today's Republicans were anywhere near moderate, I'd vote for one over a central planning authoritarian. I mean, I'm sure with a little effort one could find Republicans in the past of whom were more center-left by today's stadards. Obama is fairly conservative, but that doesn't stop today's Republicans from calling him a socialist... My point here is that TODAY'S Republicans are too far to the right, maybe one day that'll change IDK - but until then, call me partisan, because I'm not voting for a bunch of right-wing nutjobs(in what serious world is Sarah Palin even remotely important? Has our nations discourse really devolved that far?).

BTW, Obama's presidency has seen more blocked appointments than any other ever before - and it's all politics. Is a government in gridlock really what you want? Do you really prefer a congress so policized it cannot get anything done? Because that's what the Republicans have given. They've been running on the most obstructionist, partisan platform ever in the history of our nation. Their constant blocking of even routine appointments is really quite petty and sad and only illustrates my point that congressional Republicans are nutjobs even further.


Well-Known Member
I am sure mr diamond is very good at being a teacher,but if he was as smart as you say why is he not the CEO of golden sachs? The job pays a hell of alot more than a teachers pay. And I think any body with common sense can fix the economy even you. First thing is quite trying to support the world,20 billion to Egypt and Tunisia for infurstructure, what about our infurstructure? 2 billion to Brazial to drill oil for US to buy,why not put 90,000 people to work drilling here? Quite all the government hand outs,make people work if they want governments help.(help clean streets, parks, government offices) Watch how many people drop out of government programs and fend for them sevles. I am no professor but common sense tells me if there is no money in my check book,don't write checks. Sorry to see your teacher didn't work out maybe the IMF can use somebody that smart?

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
It's really not that simple. If today's Republicans were anywhere near moderate, I'd vote for one over a central planning authoritarian. I mean, I'm sure with a little effort one could find Republicans in the past of whom were more center-left by today's stadards. Obama is fairly conservative, but that doesn't stop today's Republicans from calling him a socialist... My point here is that TODAY'S Republicans are too far to the right, maybe one day that'll change IDK - but until then, call me partisan, because I'm not voting for a bunch of right-wing nutjobs(in what serious world is Sarah Palin even remotely important? Has our nations discourse really devolved that far?).

BTW, Obama's presidency has seen more blocked appointments than any other ever before - and it's all politics. Is a government in gridlock really what you want? Do you really prefer a congress so policized it cannot get anything done? Because that's what the Republicans have given. They've been running on the most obstructionist, partisan platform ever in the history of our nation. Their constant blocking of even routine appointments is really quite petty and sad and only illustrates my point that congressional Republicans are nutjobs even further.
Yeppers, yer right, Mame. I distinctly remember the Republicans completely shutting out the Democrats on the Obama Health Care bill. Oh wait .... :roll: