quick questions regarding soil mix and a few other things?


Active Member
Okay this is my first time not buying clones, and actually starting my own plants from seed to put out this summer.
My setup is basic, just a tray with about 20 guaranteed females I germinated earlier this week (10 super skunk, and 10 skunk/afghani), and two 48" flourescents on them that are 50watts a piece.
I know I am underlit, as i should have another hundred watts or so, but its just for the meantime so i can get some shit started.

My question would be, I just bought some soil block to add to the bag of potting soil i bought. now since im starting the seedlings in beer cups, should i just mix up the soil block like it says, and then mix it in with the soil to fill the cups?
Seems like kind of a stupid question but i didnt want to make any mistakes.

edit: can i just use this stuff instead of soil?