Questions about lighting and drow rrom setup??


Active Member
Ok this post of for some of the more experienced in here to give me some advice. So theres lots of reading, and I am hoping someone will take the time to answers my questions in detail. As I am a newbie I am learning this hobby by readings bits and pieces. Here is my delema, like allot of inexperienced people I want a nice room setup for minimal money. Now I know that the amount of cash you put in reflects your outcome! However I really have no cash to put into this. And don't want to invest allot now as it is trial, error, and learning.

My first major hurdle is lighting. I understant that I am going to need more serious light to flower, which is what this is all about. I have a sunsystem dome and 1000 watt bulb. No ballast, chord, socket! I don't think I am going to even need the 1000 watt bulb as I have a small 2X5 area. However I think allot of flourecents alone can not cut it for flowering. So should I go halide or high pressure sodium. Does either produce less heat? What are the benefits of each? Also how much do I really need for a 2X5 space and no more than 2-4 plants? I was think 150watt, maybe 400 would be sufficent. But looking at the cost of the ballasts I cant see getting a 200 watt ballast if I am going to pay close to that for a 400watt. The metal halide seems to be cheaper at $110 for a 400 watt ballast. Does anyone know where I can get the lower wattage 150, 250 and 400 watt hps cheap online, already tried greentrees hydroponics. Looking to comparison shop online. Want cheapest ballast available as I still need venting, and carbon setup. Thanks for you detailed help.